Comment history with g1zm017
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http://profile.myspace.com/ind ex.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=98814821
oh, sorry about that lol
I finally got the code running properly.
here is my myspace url so you can check it out 8D
while your at it also check out my photoshop pics and tell me what you think
Thank you sooooooo much
Yeah, it doesn't show in the code. If you hit "save all changes" on myspace BEFORE you replace all the XXXXXXs, the links get converted to msplinks, and you can't even see the XXXXXXs that you missed. you can only see them if you copy the msplink and paste it into your internet browser
You should just reinstall the layout, and be sure you get them all.
The easiest way is to paste the code into notepad and go to edit > replace. and then put replace XXXXXX with (your friend ID), then press replace all.
wow, I feel really stupid but I can't see what XXXXX your talking about...???
I checked out your code, and those two links aren't working because you didn't replace the XXXXXX, just like I mentioned.
I copied and pasted the last link from the image map, and it turned into this:
http://viewmorepics.mys pace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction= user.viewAlbums&friendID=XXXXX X
And the first link from the image map turned into this:
http://messaging.myspac e.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=mai l.message&friendID=XXXXXX
. ..
E-mail it to kirsty@kandi-box.com
I have my messenger disabled on here because I don't provide support via createblog anymore (since I don't upload here anymore)
I didn't delete nothing and I did replace the XXXXX with my friend ID (not the URL) mind if I send you a copy of the code so you can see whats wrong with it.
As long as you didn't accidentally delete anything, the only reason that would be happening is that you didn't replace all of the XXXXXXs before hitting save all changes, or you didn't put in the correct friend ID.
hello there. mind if you help me out with a layout? I really like the gameboy layout for myspace and set everything up including my friend's pics with the appropriate fried ID and got the comment box to work BUT.... for some weird reason the view photos or message button does not work and it sends me to a page that says the friend ID is invalid. can you help me please? I can send you my code so you can see if I made a mistake.